The Red Carrot, also known as the Atomic Red Carrot, is a vibrant and unique variety. sativus. This heirloom cultivar, with its distinct warm red root structure, offers a delightful addition to your garden. It matures in 65-80 days, providing a relatively quick turnaround for a colorful harvest.
Growing Habits: Red carrot seeds grow and exhibit habits similar to their orange counterparts, making them easy to cultivate.
Lycopene Enriched: These carrots are enriched with additional lycopene, contributing to their warm red hue.
Expand your garden and bring a burst of color to your harvest with Atomic Red Carrot seeds! 🥕🌱
 How to Grow Red Carrot from Seed
Choosing the Right Time:
– Carrots are cool-weather crops best sown directly in early spring or late fall.Â
– Since they do not transplant well, it’s recommended to directly sow them.
Sowing the Seeds:
- Soil Preparation: Plant 2-3 red carrot seeds ¼” deep and 1-2″ apart.
- Soil Conditions: Ensure the soil is loose, well-tilled, well-drained, sandy, and has few rocks to allow the roots to grow long.
- Sunlight: Select a location with full sun exposure.
- Seed Germination: Seeds germinate in 14-21 days.
- Thinning: Once true leaves establish, thin the seedlings to 1 plant every 2″.
Soil pH and Fertilization:
– Aim for a pH level between 6.0-7.0.
– Avoid nitrogen-rich fertilizers, which may cause growth abnormalities.
Caring for Red Carrots:
– Maintain loose soil for easy root growth.
– Sow seeds directly outside in the spring.
 Red Carrot in the Vegetable Garden
– Versatile Vegetable: Carrot is a sugary sweet root vegetable, second only to beets in overall sugar content.
– Heirloom Colors: Available in various heirloom colors like red, purple, yellow, and white.
– Successive Planting: Sow carrots every couple of weeks for season-long harvesting.
 Harvesting Red Carrots
– Timing: Most varieties are ready for harvest about 70-80 days from sowing.
– Indication: Carrots are ripe when the root begins to show above the soil.
– Soil Coty stores, and farmers’ markets.
Grow and enjoy the color madness of the Atomic Red Carrot in your garden! 🌱🥕
 Basic Info
– Latin Name: Daucus carota subsp. sativus
– Red Carrot Color: Deep dark reddish-orange skin
– Red Carrot Flavor: The additional red-orange lycopene adds much sugar content
conditions: Harvest in a sandy and well-tilled garden, which facilitates easy uprooting without tools.
 About Red Carrot Garden Seeds
Variety: Daucus carota subsp. sativus (65-80 days), AKA: Atomic Red Carrot, Red Sky Carrot.
– Vibrant Color: A striking deep red-orange color that adds excitement to your garden and meals.
– Unique Appeal: Kids and adults alike find the Atomic Red Carrot visually appealing.
– Lycopene Content: The unique color is attributed to healthful Lycopene.
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