Katyayani Paecilomyces Lilacinus is a powerful liquid solution with the recommended CFU ( 2 x 10^8 ) and is a powerful liquid solution with a better shelf life then other powder forms of Paecilomyces Lilacinus in the market.
It is an eco-friendly biological nematicide and is highly effective in controlling Nematodes as it produces hyphae inside the nematode eggs. It also produces enzymes like proteases and chitinase that weakens nematodes and controls crop from nematodes. It also destroys hibernating stages of the nematodes in the soil.
It is more beneficial to control the nodule at the roots caused by nematodes with organic material. The target crops are Potato, Tomato, Marigold, Chilli, Banana, Tobacco, Vegetables and Orchards, Banana, Papaya, Pomegranate, Brinjal, Guava, Apple, Water melon, Musk melon, Orange & All Vegetables, Fruits & other Crops. Paecilomyces lilacinus not only prevents nematode infestation, but also promotes plant root growth and vegetative system and promotes the germination of seeds.
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